Tuesday 5 April 2011

What I'd like to write.

I think its appropriate to open a dialogue in a writing blog with a list of the things that I hope to write someday soon, and why I want to write them. I think I know better than anybody here how daunting it can be to get back into writing, after a long hiatus. Most of my fellow lunatics can't remember a time when they weren't writing. Huh, maybe that's why I'm here? Anyway, this should give me a clear list of things to work toward, and give others an idea of who I am, and maybe where I’m coming from.

Before I do that, let me share a little about my history with writing. I was one of those typical angsty teenagers, writing about all the trials of high school. I can remember some particularly dark pieces coming shortly after I broke up with my first serious boyfriend. Of course, it was all ridiculous. There was always this burning thought though, that if I just pushed myself, I could write something great. Still, I never tried.

Then, something got in the way. Suddenly, not just writing, but all creativity was something that I didn't "have time" for. My life was overtaken by social interaction and at best, reading. It was great for a few years, but this hunger to write is creeping up on me, and I don't know how long I can go without satisfying it. So, lets get some ideas on paper, shall we?

I’d like to write a series of short stories, exploring the seven deadly sins. This idea has been done to death by writers everywhere, but still, it seems like it would be fun, especially if I could make it happen in 5000 words or less each time. If I could get these finished by the time seven months is up, I would be happy.

I’d like to write a poem every day for 30 days. Largely just to get me writing again, but also because I think poetry is the best way to get your most basic thoughts on paper, because there often isn’t any room to beat around the bush. I will do this starting the day after the half marathon, and maybe use the same blog, I’m not sure yet.

I want to write an erotica novel. Plain and simple. I want to do this by the end of the year. I don't know how realistic this one is.

Eventually, I want to write a book about my opinions on the current situation, and future of Canadian Politics, and also what we should do about it. This goal is probably my most serious, but also the furthest away. If I do follow my goal to get a PhD,I am going to have to write a thesis, so maybe… Maybe, this is the answer.

I am learning very slowly about myself that I need to write these things down and set hard deadlines, or they will never be finished. I just want to get writing again, but it is terrifying. I am afraid that nothing I write will be any good, and I am afraid that nobody will like them.

1 comment:

  1. I think I know where you're coming from. I'm trying to get back on the writing boat myself. I am finding quite difficult. I'm actually hoping that this blog give me motivation to write again. Just gotta get that part of my brain running again.

    I'm rooting for you to get your goals met! (y)
